Crocheted Viking Hat

This project’s been a long time coming. My brother requested a crocheted viking hat last Christmas. After searching high and low for a free pattern, I finally caved and bought one on Etsy from Mamachee. Tara’s patterns are absolutely beautiful! I ended up buying several of her patterns, they’re all spot on — just make sure you check your gauge!

I’ve tried making the viking hat probably 3 times now, and every time it either turns out too large or too small. It turns out I really just needed to check my gauge before I start a project, it would have saved me a lot of time if I’d done this before starting the pattern the first time… I think I’ve learned my lesson.

He’s requesting a crocheted beard now, but it looks like he’s got one coming in so maybe I don’t need to bother 🙂 I’ll definitely be making a few more of these for my friends/relatives.


CAL with Not Your Average Crochet

I’m a bit late getting started, but I’ve begun stitching up a colourful stripy blanket with the Not Your Average Crochet Crochet Along (or CAL for short). It’s a little hot to be stitching up a big blanket but since it’s only a few rows a week I should be able to manage. Here’s how the first few rows are looking so far:
