Colour Block Blanket

Happy new year everyone! I hope you had a nice holiday season. Here in Northern British Columbia it’s been snowing like mad, which wouldn’t be a bad thing except a couple of days ago it rained and the streets froze into a sheet of ice. Needless to say, it’s pretty treacherous outside…


Brrr! Baby it’s cold outside

A couple of days ago I completed a blanket. This is my fastest one yet, I finished it in 6 days – a huge record for me. My mother-in-law bought me this yarn for Christmas. My yarn stash is already huge and I’ve been trying to work through it with some stash-busting projects so I’m pretty pleased I was able to use it up so quickly. I still have waaaay more yarn than I know what to do with though.

So without further ado, here’s my super-quick, stash-busting, and colourful blanket:




Here’s the pattern:

Worsted weight yarn – I used Waverly for Bernat in antique, pink suede, butter, celadon, & greek sea. I used about 300m of each colour (approx 1 + 2/3 skeins)

Size N hook

Chain desired width of blanket, I chained 100

1) Ch 2 loosely for turning chain, dc in 3rd ch from hook and in each ch across

2) Ch 2 loosely and turn, dc in 3rd chain from hook and in each dc across, dc final stitch into 2nd ch (of turning chain)

Repeat row 2 until desired length. I did 20 rows of each colour, 100 rows total. My blanket was really long and narrow, if I were to do it again I would probably do a wider blanket for this length (i.e. chain 120 & keep 100 rows) or make it shorter (i.e. chain 100 & shorten it to 80 rows total / 16 rows per colour)

It's a bit too long and narrow for my double bed

It’s a bit too long and narrow for my double bed

Happy stitching folks! 🙂

CAL with Not Your Average Crochet

I’m a bit late getting started, but I’ve begun stitching up a colourful stripy blanket with the Not Your Average Crochet Crochet Along (or CAL for short). It’s a little hot to be stitching up a big blanket but since it’s only a few rows a week I should be able to manage. Here’s how the first few rows are looking so far:
